Root Canal

If you are experiencing a toothache, tender spots when chewing, or a throbbing pain, it may be a sign the tooth needs root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is a great alternative to extraction as it allows the tooth to be saved, maintaining function when chewing and helping to save your smile. Root canal treatment is indicated when bacteria has entered the nerve tissue inside the tooth, usually from extensive dental decay.

Despite what you may have heard, root canals are generally pain free and feel no different to having a filling placed. Your dentist at Glebe Hill Dental will ensure the treatment you receive is as comfortable and pain free as possible.

Once the tooth has been anaesthetised, the inflamed nerve tissue is removed, and the inside of the tooth is disinfected to remove the infection-causing bacteria. Antibiotics and a temporary filling are placed in the tooth to allow further time for the inflammation to settle. At the second appointment, the inside of the tooth root is then filled to help prevent bacteria from entering the tooth in the future.

It is important to note a dental crown may be required to strengthen the structure of the tooth long term. Your Glebe Hill Dental dentist will be able to advise if this is the best option for your case.