Tooth Extractions and Oral Surgery
Tooth extractions are seen as a last resort in dentistry and are performed when the tooth has become unsalvageable. This is usually due to extensive tooth decay, severe periodontal disease, or trauma to the tooth.
Wisdom teeth also often need to be removed if there is not enough room for the tooth to properly move into the mouth. The impacted wisdom tooth becomes stuck and can cause swelling and infection around the gum covering the tooth. Your dentist at Glebe Hill Dental can assess and, if need be, extract your wisdom teeth even before they start causing problems, saving you from pain down the road.
At Glebe Hill Dental we aim to make your dental extraction as smooth and pain free as possible. Your dentist will anaesthetise the tooth prior to its removal. The dentist will then gently rock the tooth back and forth to remove it. With more complicated procedures the tooth may need to be removed in pieces.
Once the tooth has been extracted, a blood clot will form in the socket. It is important to protect this blood clot, as losing it can result in pain and irritation. Common mistakes people make following extraction include rinsing and spitting too soon, smoking within 72 hours of the procedure, and excessive physical activity following the extraction. Your dentist will provide you with comprehensive home care instructions and provide medication necessary to avoid post-operative complications.