Dental Check-Up
Dental check-ups are a crucial procedure that allow your dentist to detect any dental problems early, before they develop into a larger issue.
This often allows for simpler, less invasive treatment, and can even mean some treatments can be avoided all together. The Australian Dental Association recommends dental check-ups are undertaken twice a year.
At Glebe Hill Dental, the dentist will:
● Perform a periodontal screening to check for gum disease
● Check for any oral cancers that may be developing
● Do a thorough check for any dental caries (cavities) that may be forming
● Assess previous dental treatment for any deterioration
● Investigate for any signs of grinding or TMJ issues
● As needed, take digital dental x-rays to assess for decay between the teeth and to check under any old fillings that may be present
● Apply Fluoride treatments, as required, to help prevent any future tooth decay.
Once this examination has been completed, the dentist will discuss any findings with you to ensure you have a thorough understanding of your dental health. If treatment is required, they will also discuss treatment options and costs to ensure any treatment is tailored to your specific needs.